Golden Globe Race 2018


I am finalizing the site that will serve as an interface between radio amateurs, you and your loved ones. There will be some changes to improve the ergonomics: here is the address

The radio amateurs will find the news of the race, the marine weather, how to read a weather report, where to download the bulletin, the page of the skippers and a live chat to get in touch with your relatives, via the radio amateur who will be in frequency at this moment there. The site is in 5 languages.

How Live Chat works.

This is to communicate to your loved ones, if you want to contact them via an amateur radio. Each radio amateur who will come in contact with a skipper will have to connect on this page, just like each of your close relations. As soon as the 2 are connected, they can then exchange and the radio amateur will transmit via the radio the messages of your relatives.

To login no registration is required, just click on "join the conversation" a window opens asking what type of connection, you have to choose guest (or then his account facebook or Twitter) Put a first name or a nickname and you are connected. I created Rumble accounts with your callsign but they are not operational, I think there is a bug in the application.

This widget also allows audio connection, it is a paying option at $ 8.25 per month or $ 99 (86 €) per year. Knowing that it is not certain that radio amateurs agree to retransmit conversations because it is not allowed and it requires sufficient internet speed, which is not the case in all countries of the world, say me if this option is necessary to you, if yes I will put it in place.

If no ham radio is connected, you can leave messages via comments that are open on your site pages


Weather bulletins are downloadable from this page, the explanations are on this page

So if you want add-ons and weather information, ask the radio amateur with whom you are in QSO, to get the information. Direct links will be on all sites so that radio amateurs will have no trouble finding information.

Traffic log

All radio amateurs must keep a log book with the contacts they make. I think you'll be busy enough not to have to do this any more, so any radio amateurs who contact you will fill out the form on your pages. The recordings will be automatically saved in the background of the site. It will also allow me to manage the contact confirmation cards (QSL) and manage your page on the site, the global site of all radio amateurs. Nothing prevents you from keeping this traffic book on board, this will eventually complete and validate all the contacts when you come back. Schedules must be in UTC time. The required information is: the dialed code, the date, the time (UTC), the transmission frequency and the mode, possibly the report.

    Antoine Cousot F4KKS and on QRZ. com
    Jean Luc Van Den Heede F4KKP and on QRZ. com
    Loïc Lepage F4KKR and on QRZ. com
    Patrick Phelipon F4KKO and on QRZ. com
    Philippe Péché F4KKN is on QRZ. com


In order to encourage skippers to listen to radio amateurs, we will create a diploma for all those who have contacted all the skippers.

What you need to do

    Memorize the frequencies in your channels on your BLU stations
        3.760 MHz
        7.110 MHz
        14.300 MHz
        18.160 MHz
        21.360 MHz
    Give me a time slot during which you would be most likely to spend time on the radio. Please specify local time or UTC

I hope that the protocol suits you, do not hesitate to bring your criticism, your needs. Good preparation

Friends of Sylvie F1PSH